Female Escorts Phoenix, Arizona, US 3 weeks ago


?✊??????✨✨??? ?❤?❤?❤?❤?❤?❤ iM DOiNG iNCALLS NEAR ❤?? i 17 and Peoria! ALSO OUTCALLS NO CAR DATE ?❤? SERiOUS iNQUIRY ONLY!! ❤?? EXPECT TO DROP 150 "MiNUTES" MiNiMUM iF YOU WANT TO HAVE A DATE WiTH ONE OF THE MOST PREMiUM GiRLS ON MEGA PERSONALS TO COME OVER AND GiVE YOU ONE OF THE BEST SESSiONS OF SUCK&FUCK iN YOUR LiFE, GARENTEED. ALSO BE PREPARED TO SEND A PiCTURE TO VERiFY WHO YOU ARE. YOU CAN SEND A PiCTURE OR ViDEO CHAT ON SNAPCHAT. i DO NOT REQUIRE A DEPOSiT!! i DO NOT CLiCK ON ANY LiNKS YOU SEND ME SO DON'T WASTE EiTHERONE OF OUR TiME PLEASE!! ❤?❤?❤?❤❤?❤? CALL ME FOR A DATE HAVE ME OVER FOR A QUiCK ViSiT, (15MiNUTS)HALF HOUR, HOUR, TWO OR THREE ❤️❤️ ❤️❤️ Men always choose me over other girls because every date i go on i always put 100% effort to make sure you are 100% satisfied!! When you meet me for our date i always am genuinely excited to meet you! i give the best "girlfriend experience" you'll quickly feel like you've known me for years!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ They always say im one in a billion❤️❤️ because im super sweet, i have a big heart, i am the best at eye contact, i listen to what you're talking about and i genuinely care,❤ im easily excited, and im easily pleased. ❤ ????????????


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About the seller

480-465-1229 1 month ago
Phoenix, Arizona, United States
Registered 1 month ago