ven conmigo y lets play
Female Escorts
San Mateo, California, US
3 months ago
hello my luvs! Quick Visits $150 HH $200 BJs $80 bbjs$100 ????? Photos: $5 per picture (wearing sexy clothes or lingerie) $10 per picture when it is a special request, nudes, or with props. when you buy 5 photos, you save $5, buy 10, save $10 Videos: $10 per minute. Here I basically can do anything, meaning, I can say something you'd like me to say or do, nudity, penetration and masturbation. if you are wanting nudity there is a minimum payment equivalent of a 2 minute video required. masturbation and penetration (without toys)-3minutes, (with toys)-4minutes and finally, using any other items that aren't usually made for toys or sex 5 minutes required All videos with be no shorter than 1 minutes and no longer than 5 live video chats are $15 per minute with a
San Mateo, California, US
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ID #407099
About the seller
4 months ago
San Mateo, California, United States
Registered 4 months ago