Young Ginger????????
Female Escorts
Sarasota, Florida, US
16 hours ago
Daddy*###### Call Prove you Not AI! Yessssd Daddddy Im waiting...... I can dress like playmate ..... GFE.....Doing activities...even overnights... you tip while I slowly show skin...while i twerk on ...... that..the pole twirling around an around for. Its my discretion how close I get to you based on hygiene My sexy feet ,,,tiny waist ,,,,yes A booty Fat Kat but petiteYe Kat is tiny will take was goes into its path and it grips on like vacuum if you want to text message me then you need to send live pic not Photoshop no filter prove yourself any part of your body would do not AI prove your real for any communication or confirmation. if you make multiple text messages without ever making an appointment you will be blocked I will not jump through hoops for a. I only have one picture on here that's a filter so that should show right there that I'm not a fake ass b**** so I don't be treated like one I do not call me with less than $100 seriously don't disrespect me. if I need to get a ride there then I am compensated for my time get in there as well because that's still my time. date if you don't believe my pictures and f*** you
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ID #746949
Sarasota, Florida, United States
Registered 4 weeks ago